Venous Ulcer (Varicose Sore) Treatment

Venous ulcer varicose wound treatment is a disease that is seen in approximately 2 or 3 out of a thousand people with varicose veins due to venous insufficiency, progresses with non-healing wounds on the legs and seriously reduces the patient's quality of life. It is usually characterized by recurring and non-healing wounds on the inner side of the ankle. It is also known as varicose wound among the public. Before starting varicose ulcer treatment methods, the diagnosis of the disease must be fully defined. In patients diagnosed with venous ulcers, varicose wounds must be removed in order for the treatment process to begin. Multiple methods can be applied in the treatment of varicose wounds. So what is good for varicose wounds? In addition to methods such as herbal treatment method for varicose ulcers, varicose ulcer wound care cream, varicose wound cream, treatment methods such as antibiotics, drugs that increase tissue nutrition, wound care creams and dressings, and compressive varicose stockings can be applied. Cream for varicose wounds is frequently used for venous ulcer treatment. Varicose ulcer treatment should be applied under the supervision of a doctor and the treatment methods given after the correct diagnosis. If varicose ulcers are not treated, advanced pain and wound size are likely to increase. Varicose ulcers are an advanced form of varicose veins. Most of the time, creams for varicose wounds or venous ulcer wound creams are insufficient.

Venous Ulcer (Varicose Sore) Treatment

Because the venous vessels (veins) cannot carry dirty blood to the heart (internal varicose veins, venous reflux, hidden varicose veins... etc.), dirty blood accumulates in the legs. The most common cause of venous insufficiency is the superficial venous (bypass veins) and perforating vein (bridge vein) systems. The accumulated dirty blood causes an increase in pressure inside the veins (venous hypertension). Due to the increased pressure, fluid (serum) leaks from the veins and tissue edema occurs. The edema that occurs over time restricts the flow of clean oxygenated blood to those living tissues through the capillaries. The tissue whose oxygenation and nutrition is impaired begins to turn brown under the influence of cells (macrophages) trying to repair itself. After a while, the skin thickens and when it increases and skin nutrition is seriously impaired, wounds open. These wounds, which close and reopen from time to time, remain unclosed for years after a while. Usually on the inside of the wrist; open wound, brown thick skin, accompanying superficial varicose veins, pain, serous discharge, and if it is accompanied by infection, it gives symptoms such as pus-like odorous discharge. Venous ulcer varicose vein treatment should definitely be done under the supervision of a doctor.

For the diagnosis of venous ulcer (varicose wounds); physical examination is a must. Among the tests to be used in diagnosis, venous color doppler ultrasonography alone is sufficient today. In order to distinguish its association with different diseases, additional tests may be required (Computed tomographic venography, Magnetic resonance imaging (MR), Venography (Angio), Skin biopsy). Varicose wound must definitely be evaluated with color doppler USG and the arterial system.

For the treatment of venous ulcer, first of all, the veins that create the ulcer and have venous insufficiency should be detected and mapped. Then, it should be determined whether the wounds are complicated (infection) and appropriate treatment should be given. Treatment of additional diseases (diabetes, vasculitis, etc.) should also be started. The first goal is to close the wound and then treat the cause of the wound. It should not be forgotten that wound closure is a process that will take time and your doctor's recommendations should definitely be followed. When deemed necessary for wound closure, antibiotics, drugs that increase tissue nutrition, wound care creams and dressings, pressure socks, etc. should be used as your doctor deems appropriate. After the wounds are closed, your venous insufficiency (internal varicose veins, venous reflux, hidden varicose veins... etc.) should be treated.

So what happens if venous ulcers are not treated?

What happens if varicose ulcers are not treated? First of all, although the wounds close at first, they open again. The opened wounds will not close after a while. If an infection occurs, the situation becomes even more complicated, causing widespread infections such as cellulite and the wounds grow even larger with the disruption of lymphatic drainage. As the infections deepen, bone infections can even be seen, although rare. Physically disturbing situations may occur in daily life due to discharge. The pain becomes especially unbearable and may not be relieved by painkillers. From a psychosocial perspective, the patient's quality of life will seriously decrease. Amputation of the leg is not an issue due to venous ulcers, but complications such as infections create such a risk, although very low. From an economic perspective, the patient will suffer two losses; the first is due to loss of work during the course of the disease, and the second is the serious costs that will occur in its treatment. The point that should not be forgotten is that venous ulcers are a disease that can be treated.

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