Open Varicose Vein Surgery (Classic Surgery)
What is varicose vein surgery? How is varicose vein surgery performed? How is open varicose vein surgery performed? What is the recovery period after varicose vein surgery? How many hours does varicose vein surgery take? How many days does varicose vein surgery heal? Open varicose vein surgery (Classic Surgery) is a surgical method used in the treatment of varicose veins in the legs. Varicose vein surgery is the surgical removal or ligation of varicose veins in the legs. This surgery allows the blood to return to normal circulation and relieves the symptoms caused by varicose veins. Varicose vein surgery is usually preferred for large and obvious varicose veins and is applied in cases where other treatment methods are inadequate. You can call our clinic to get information about varicose vein surgery prices. In this surgery, varicose veins are cut and removed or ligated, thus allowing the blood to return to normal circulation. Open varicose vein surgery is usually performed under spinal or general anesthesia and the patient is sent home on the same day. After the surgery, the patient's legs are wrapped with bandages or compression stockings and it is recommended that they rest for a few days. The recovery process usually takes 1-2 weeks and physical activities may be limited during this time. However, less invasive methods developed in recent years are also used in the treatment of varicose veins. These methods include laser therapy, radiofrequency ablation, and sclerotherapy. The use of these methods offers advantages such as less pain, a faster healing process, and less risk of complications. The treatment method to be used is determined by the patient's condition and the severity of varicose veins.
How is Open Varicose Vein Surgery Performed?
Open varicose vein surgery is the surgical removal of varicose veins in the legs. In this method, the surgeon removes the varicose veins by making small incisions. After the surgery, the incisions are closed with stitches and the legs are wrapped with bandages or compression stockings. Open varicose vein surgery is usually preferred for large and visible varicose veins.
Open varicose vein surgery (Classic Surgery) is usually performed under spinal or general anesthesia anesthesia. Before the surgery, the patient is put on compression stockings on their legs and the surgery area is disinfected. Before the varicose vein surgery, the patient's general health status is evaluated and the necessary tests are performed. During this process, the patient's medical history, current health problems and medications used are taken into consideration. In the pre-operative period, it is recommended that the patient not smoke and not use blood thinners.
During the surgery, an incision is made on the skin and the varicose veins are cut and removed or tied. The removal of varicose veins can be done with several different methods. For example, removal of the saphenous vein or removal of other veins in the superficial venous system.
After varicose vein surgery, the legs are wrapped in bandages or compression stockings. This increases pressure in the legs to allow blood to return to normal circulation. The patient may be sent home the same day or stay in the hospital overnight.
The recovery process can vary depending on the patient's overall health, how invasive the surgery was, and which procedure was used. The patient should rest for a few days and avoid strenuous physical activity. Pain and swelling after surgery are normal and usually subside within a few days. The recovery process can be accelerated by walking and doing light exercises to encourage movement in the legs.
How Long Does Open Varicose Vein Surgery Take?
Open varicose vein surgery can be performed in a varying amount of time, depending on the patient's condition and the severity of the varicose veins. The surgery usually takes about 30 minutes to 2 hours to complete.
The length of the surgery can vary depending on the procedure used, the number of varicose veins, where the varicose veins are, and the patient's overall health. For example, removing only the superficial veins may take less time, while removing the saphenous vein may take longer.
In addition, the hospital where the surgery will be performed and the surgeon's level of experience can also affect the duration of the surgery. After surgery, the patient's recovery time may also vary depending on individual factors.
Those Who Have Open Varicose Vein Surgery
Open varicose vein surgery is a method used to treat varicose veins in the legs. People who undergo this surgery may experience varying results, usually depending on the severity and condition of their varicose veins. While some people feel relief immediately after surgery, others may experience pain, swelling or bruising for a few days or weeks.
In the post-operative period, patients' legs are wrapped in compression stockings and it is recommended that they rest for a few days. During this period, mild pain, swelling and bruising in the legs of patients are normal. However, these symptoms subside within a few days and usually disappear completely within a few weeks.
In addition, patients may have limitations in their physical activities after surgery and it is recommended that they avoid lifting heavy loads or doing intense sports. However, it is recommended that patients speed up the recovery process by doing light exercises such as walking.
Open varicose vein surgery is generally a successful procedure and many people experience a significant reduction or complete recovery of their varicose veins. However, the results may vary in each case and depend on the surgeon's experience, the patient's health status and the severity of the varicose veins.
What Happens After Open Varicose Vein Surgery?
After open varicose vein surgery, it is recommended that patients take some steps to speed up the recovery process and feel more comfortable during the recovery process. Here are some things to do after open varicose vein surgery:
Compression Stockings: After surgery, the patient's legs are wrapped with compression stockings. These stockings reduce swelling and pain by increasing blood circulation in the legs. You may need to continue wearing these stockings for as long as your doctor recommends.
Rest: It is recommended that you rest for a few days after surgery. You can reduce swelling by elevating your legs while resting in bed or on the couch. You can use a pillow to elevate your head while lying in bed.
Medications: Your doctor may prescribe painkillers and anti-inflammatory medications. These medications help relieve symptoms such as pain and swelling.
Exercise: You can do light exercises a few days after surgery. Walking exercises your leg muscles and increases blood circulation. However, it is important to avoid excessive exercise.
Nutrition: It is important to follow a healthy and balanced diet plan in the post-operative period. Surgery requires extra energy for your body to heal.
Follow-up appointments: Your doctor may schedule follow-up appointments in the weeks following surgery. These appointments are important to monitor your recovery from surgery and adjust treatment if necessary.
Avoiding High Heels: It is important to avoid wearing high heels for several weeks after surgery. High heels can affect blood flow in your legs and may cause varicose veins to reoccur.
These tips can help speed up the healing process after open varicose vein surgery and help reduce symptoms such as pain and swelling after surgery.